January 5th 2012
Yellow Bar Marsh Restoration is underway with the cranes ,barges, and dredge machinery and pipes all in place and ready to pump sediment from the barge location, just east of Ruffle Bar Island, thru 36 inch pipe which is laid underwater to the dispersal site about one mile away. Pumping should start around Mid January. This will be a tremendous boost for the entire western portion of the bay as Yellow Bar is the largest, and one of the oldest (carbon dating back over 1100 years), marsh islands in the bay. While the southern portion appears to be healthy at this time the entire northern portion has seen a huge loss of many acres and what remains is basically a series of small marsh hassocks surrounding mud pools that previously saw one large continous marsh island.
Below are a series of photos that were taken on January 6 2012 which show the dredge piping set up and ready to go and the current condition of this area in terms of salt water marsh coverage. We will attempt to photo document the progress and end result from the same angle perspective when the project is completed
The area above was once one large continous marsh island
This is a shot looking back towards the portion of yellow bar that is still healthy
For more preconstruction photos click here