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1924 shad creek road-shad creek road does not yet exist -you can see all the homes at this time have long boardwalks to access their homes
ruffle bar 1924 -you can see the homes that used to be on the island and what appears to be a canal
ruffle bar 1951-looks like they put dredged material over the marsh interior
the raunt 1924–close up the neighborhood that used to exist just north of Broad Channel on the west side of crossbay blvd
the raunt 1924 zoomed out that is broad channel just below lower in the photo
15th thru 13th roads west side
1924 16 thru 18th roads in Broad channel
little egg marsh sand bar island 1924
little egg marsh sand bar island 1951
little egg marsh sand bar island 1996
canarsie island 1924–in 1924 the island does not exist it is only a small marsh island and a mud flat
1924 northern tip of broad channel