The Ecowatchers have worked with the NYC DEP to install a real time monitoring station in Jamaica Bay.(if you follow the link above -enter the username= nydep and password =nydep2008)
This is one of the few “real time” stations in the city and supplies the following information: WIND SPEED, WIND DIRECTION, AIR TEMP, RH,BP,DAILY RAIN, TEMP SALINITY, DEPTH TURBIDITY,CHLOROPHYLL,AND DISSOLVED OXYGEN. It is located at the end of West 10th road in the western portion of Jamaica Bay.
Beau Ranheim ,the section chief of the Marine Sciences Division within NYC DEP, was instrumental in accomplishing this extension of the DEP monitoring with this unique station. He responded to requests from the Ecowatchers who needed realtime data to assist in tracking harmful algae blooms in portions of the bay during the warmer months of the year.He and his DEP team were extremely helpful in recognizing the needs of environmental groups in acessing real time data. The project is an example of agency/stakeholder colloborations that benefit the ultimate health of the bay.
DIRECTIONS- click on the above link and enter the username and password given. Then click on the map and highlight the data from the Broad Channel station that you seek and than click “go”. You can than select week or month or year for a collection of that specified data for such period of time. The graph function is particularly useful.